You can begin finalizing a mission on the main Emergency Response dashboard.
Click the Exit button in the bottom right corner of the righthand navigation panel.
You are presented with a Finalize the Teams Mission dialog box.
If the mission is still in progress, then click Back to Dashboard to return to the Emergency Response dashboard. If, however, the team has finished their emergency response duties for the mission, then the Captain and Briefing Officer can finalize their mission by clicking their respective buttons.
- Once the button is clicked, the ADD SIGNATURE dialog is displayed.
- Add a signature to the panel and click Done to finalize for the respective position.
- Once both signatures have been entered the team documentation is finalized and cannot be edited. A process dialog is displayed indicating that the map markup is being prepared for the final documentation. DO NOT close your browser while this process is happening.
- If all teams have finalized, then the mission is now available to be closed by the MRO and subsequently the MRO can complete the MRO review documentation and finalize the mission.
If both the Briefing Officer and Captain have not been assigned yet, then the user is presented with a dialog with the option to go back to the Emergency Response dashboard.
MRO Close
Once the Captain and Briefing Officer for all teams assigned to the mission have finalized the team documentation, then the mission is available to be closed by the responding MRO.
This is indicated in the MISSIONS tile Action column with the alert icon when logged in as the responding MRO. Log in as the responding MRO assigned to the mission and click the mission to be closed in the MISSIONS tile list.
The Close Mission? dialog will be displayed:
- Click the View Mission button to review the mission documentation without closing.
- Click the Close Mission button to display the Add Signature box.
Add a signature and click Done to close the mission. Clicking Cancel, the X in the top right corner or clicking Done without adding a signature will not close the mission.
Once the mission has been closed, no edits can be made to the completed mission documentation and the MRO can now complete the MRO review documentation.
MRO Review
Once the mission has been closed by the MRO, the MRO review can be completed.
This is indicated in the MISSIONS tile Status column with the green checkmark with no fill status icon.
The MRO review can only be completed by the person that was assigned as the Responding MRO in the mission DETAIL. All other users can view the mission in read-only when the mission is in this status.
Log in as the responding MRO and click the mission in the MISSIONS tile list to complete the MRO Review. The Mission View is displayed for the selected mission.
The Mission View is displayed for the selected mission. The Mission Summary Report and MRO Feedback Sheet must be completed by the MRO before the mission can be finalized (see below). In addition, the MRO has the ability to add Optional Comments for all assigned teams (see below).
Mission Summary Report
In the righthand navigation panel, click Summary Report to fill out the report.
Some fields are prepopulated from the closed mission. The Relief man on call is a drop down of all people that are mission project.
A date time control will be displayed for all fields requiring the MRO to Choose a date & time. Once you have a date and time selected, click the check mark to commit.
Fill in all required fields (indicated with asterisk*) and click Save to exit the report. A message will be displayed indicating errors. Click Cancel to exit the report without saving. The report is editable until the mission has been finalized by the MRO.
MRO Feedback Sheet
In the righthand navigation panel, click MRO Feedback Sheet to fill out the feedback sheet.
Add any feedback needed to the area provided and click Save to exit the feedback sheet. Click Cancel to exit the feedback sheet without saving. The feedback sheet is editable until the mission has been finalized by the MRO.
Optional Comments
For each mission team, the MRO can optionally add notes to each of the following sections by clicking the note icon in the lower right corner of the following panels:
For each team assigned to the mission (see Managing Teams section for steps to switch between teams), click the section that you would like to add an optional note and then click the note icon to display the note dialog.
Enter notes in the Please enter notes field and click Done to save the note. Click the X in the upper right corner to exit without saving. All notes are editable until the mission has been finalized by the MRO.
MRO Finalize
Once the mission has been closed by the MRO, the MRO review can be completed. Once all required MRO review documentation has been completed, the mission can then be finalized.
The MRO finalize can only be completed by the person that was assigned as the Responding MRO in the mission DETAIL. All other users can view the mission in read-only when the mission is in this status.
Log in as the responding MRO and click the mission in the MISSIONS tile list to display the mission in Mission View.
Click Exit in the lower right corner to launch the MRO Finalize Mission. If the required documentation has not been completed, then the MRO will not be able to finalize the mission. The dialog will indicate which documents are completed with a checkmark and those outstanding with an X.
If all documentation has been completed, the MRO can finalize the mission by clicking the MRO Signature button to display the ADD SIGNATURE dialog and adding a signature (as in MRO close process). Click Cancel to return to the Mission view for the mission or click Back to Dashboard to return to the Emergency Response dashboard.
Completed Missions
Once the mission has been finalized, the mission has a COMPLETED status.
This is indicated in the MISSIONS tile Status column with the checkmark with solid green fill status icon.
The mission is viewable in read-only for all logged in users that have permissions to view, including mission summary report, MRO feedback sheet and optional MRO comments. Click the mission in the MISSIONS tile list to view the completed mission in the Mission View.
Mission List View
The mission list view allows you to filter missions based on certain criteria, and export missions to pdf.
To access the Mission List view, click the arrow on the bottom right side of the MISSONS tile.
The mission list is displayed based on the current project and date filter.
You can filter the list by clicking the Filter button and selecting any of the filter options. Click Apply in the FILTER dialog to filter the list (note date filter will have an effect on the filter results). Click Clear Filters to clear the filter options.
You can search for a mission in the filtered list by entering a mission name in the Search. Click Export Data to download the filtered list results to an excel file (xlsx). Click New Mission to create a new mission.
Export Mission
Missions that have been closed or finalized by the MRO are available to exported as a pdf.
- To export a completed and signed off mission to pdf, navigate to the Mission List. Missions that can be exported to a pdf will have an
icon in the last column of the list.
- Click the icon to open the mission as a pdf in a new browser tab.
- To download and save the report, click the download/save (varies depending on browser that is being used) button in the pdf viewer.