Once a mission has been created, the Equipment feature allows you to manage equipment and resources.
Click the Equipment icon in the righthand navigation panel to view equipment and resources assigned to the team or to add any additional equipment required once the mission is in progress.
To view equipment, ensure EQUIPMENT is selected in the top left corner.
Equipment types and quantities appearing on this list were preselected by an administrator or were added during the mission set-up.
A checkbox appears to the left of equipment types if this option was preselected by an administrator. Teams can use the checkboxes to verify they have included all assigned equipment during a mission. When selected, boxes are shaded with a checkmark.
Click Edit to launch the EQUIPMENT dialog box. From here, you can scroll to view available equipment and update equipment quantity numbers – or remove an equipment type from the mission list.
Click Add Equipment to add new custom equipment (which is not available on the equipment list).
Enter the Name of the custom equipment, then enter a Quantity. Click Save to save the addition or click Cancel to exit without saving. The newly added equipment and quantity number can then be viewed on the main equipment list.
To view resources, ensure RESOURCES is selected in the top left corner.
This provides quick and easy access to reference materials during a mission so the team can quickly view and make informed decisions about a course of action.
Resource documents are preselected. Click the eye icon on the right of the line to open the document. Each document opens in a separate browser tab for quick reference during the mission.