The Updates panel allows the Briefing Officer and the Captain to communicate during a live emergency response mission.
Click the Updates icon in the righthand navigation panel to display the UPDATES panel.
The panel displays a chat window showing the descriptions and time for each update that has been added to the mission. Each entry differentiates if it is a Captain or Briefing Officer entry with a distinct colour.
The chat bubble will display:
- The name of the assigned Captain and Briefing Officer,
- If the update has been assigned a ‘NEXT CHECK-IN’ value, the status of the CHECK IN value will be displayed,
- Gas reading values if present.
To view an update, click the arrow icon in the lower right corner of the chat balloon. Click New Update to add a new entry, which displays the NEW UPDATE dialog.
In the NEW UPDATE dialog:
- The From and Description fields are required (indicated with an asterisk*).
- The From field may be preselected based on the assigned ER User Role of the logged in user (Captain or Briefing Officer respectively). If no ER User Role has been assigned, then the user can select either option.
- The NEXT CHECK-IN field assigns a timer to the update.
- If an update has a NEXT CHECK-IN value, the CHECK IN timer will start to count down when the update is saved.
- If the UPDATES panel is visible, an active CHECK IN timer will be displayed in the chat bubble for the active timer.
- The Updates icon in the navigation panel will also change to CHECK IN and display the current count down value of the active timer.
- The CHECK IN icon will change to flashing orange text and emit an audible alarm if the timer exceeds the assigned time.
- There are two methods of acknowledging a CHECK IN timer:
- Click the Check In button on the UPDATES panel. A pop-up asks the user to confirm that checking in will complete the active Check In Timer. Click Check In to proceed or Cancel.
- Add a New Update with a NEXT CHECK IN timer value assigned.
- Once the timer has been acknowledged the chat bubble will display the COMPLETE time for the update. Negative COMPLETE times indicate that an update took longer than the assigned time.
- The Location field allows you to enter text for a given location.
- Gas Readings allows the user to optionally enter up to 10 predefined gases to the update.
- Fill in any relevant fields and click Save to commit the update.