Once a mission has been created, the Team feature allows you to manage team members.
Click the Team icon in the righthand navigation panel to view the team members for the selected team, add members to that team if needed (this is only available if the team has not finalized), or add additional teams if the mission has not been closed by the MRO.
Team Details: lists all team members and initial O2 apparatus details if mission requires O2.
If the mission has not been started, you can complete the team selection and breathing apparatus setup by clicking Edit Team. This launches the TEAM step of the mission wizard.
If the mission has been started and there are positions not filled on the team, you can add a member for those positions by clicking Add Member.
A pop-up will allow you to add new member details. Click Save once all fields have a value. A message will be displayed if there are invalid entries.
You can click New Team if additional teams are required to complete the emergency response mission.
- This launches the mission wizard at the TEAM step for the new team setup.
- The TEAM NAME is prepopulated with a unique name. Proceed through the Mission wizard to add the new team.
- Clicking the X in the top right corner in any of the steps of the wizard will cancel the new team addition.
- Clicking Join Mission adds the team to the mission.
Team Selection
If there are multiple teams assigned to a mission, there is a team selection drop down (located beneath the map selection control in the top left corner) which indicates the current team that is active in the mission view.
To switch teams, click the team selection dropdown and select the name of the team that you want the mission view to display.