Following the mission set-up and rescue team readiness, it is time to start the mission in the system. You will not be able to start a mission until both the Briefing Officer and Captain have been assigned, a map has been selected, and all required team positions are assigned.
Once a team is ready to start a mission, click the Start button in the right-hand action panel. If the Breathing apparatus required option was checked in the mission creation, the team will have actions to perform during the mission related to O2 readings.
However, you will not be able to start a mission until both the Briefing Officer and Captain have been assigned. Please see Managing Team section for steps for completing TEAM SET-UP after mission creation.
Breathing Apparatus not required
Once the Start button is clicked for missions that do not require O2, the TIME ELAPSED counter starts to count up. This indicates the amount of time that the team has been actively engaged in the emergency response mission.
Breathing Apparatus required
Once the Start button is clicked for missions that do require O2:
- The first Team Check is automatically prompted and must be completed.
- The NEXT CHECK IN clock starts to count down from a 20-minute timer to indicate when the team should perform its next Team Check.
Team Check
Teams engaged in missions requiring breathing apparatus need to record O2 readings at fixed intervals.
Click Team Check to perform an O2 pressure reading when the NEXT CHECK IN clock has elapsed. This will display the OXYGEN USE panel.
Enter New values to represent the remaining pressure for the O2 apparatus assigned to that team member. Click Save to commit the pressure reading. A message will be displayed to indicate any errors and you will not be able to proceed until the errors are corrected. You can click Cancel to close without saving the new readings. Once the readings are saved the NEXT CHECK IN clock is reset to indicate the interval for the next O2 reading.
In the last minute of O2 reading interval the NEXT CHECK IN text changes to flashing orange and an audible alarm will occur. Clicking the NEXT CHECK will mute or unmute the audible alarm depending on the current state.
If the O2 Reading is not recorded before the NEXT CHECK IN clock expires, the NEXT CHECK IN clock starts counting upwards to indicate the amount of time the check in is overdue. The alarm will continue to sound if not muted until a new Team Check has been recorded.
This allows teams to view all pressure readings for all team members to highlight trends or differences in pressure usage.
Click O2 in the right bar to view the amount of TIME UNDER O2, and to view O2 readings as a line graph or table view.
Once the Start button is clicked for missions requiring O2:
- The TIME UNDER O2 counter starts to count upwards. This indicates the amount of time the team has been actively engaged in the emergency response mission and under O2.
Click the pie icon to view the readings as a line graph.
- Each team position is represented by a unique colored line on the chart.
- The x-axis indicates the time of the reading.
- The first point on the chart represents the initial O2 reading that was entered when the team member was added to the team (through mission wizard TEAM SET-UP or Manage Team – Add Member).
Click the table icon to view the readings as a table.
Stop Under O2
There may be situations where a breathing apparatus is no longer required, but the team may still have tasks to complete before the Captain and Briefing Officer can finalize the team mission. The team would enter a Team Check to document the final O2 apparatus pressure for all team members. After this reading has been entered, the team should then enter a second reading of 0 for all team members. Entering a 0 reading for all team members indicates that the team is no longer ‘Under O2’. The Team Check button will be disabled and the NEXT CHECK IN clock will no longer count down. However, the team can still add updates and markup the map(s) until they finalize the mission.