You can easily create a new mission from the main Emergency Response dashboard.
To create a mission, click on the New Mission button in the NEW MISSION tile. This launches the Mission Wizard. You can cancel the creation of the mission at any point before completing the wizard by clicking the X in the upper right corner. (Alternatively, you can click NEW MISSON > New Mission from the main dashboard if the tile has been added.)
Mission Wizard
There are four steps in the Mission Wizard: Detail, Maps, Equipment, and Team. Users can navigate between these steps during a mission set-up, or click proceed to skip through the steps and add information once the mission has begun. (See Quick Start a Mission below for more information.)
1. Detail – This step allows you to capture mission details. All required fields (indicated with an asterisk*) will be prepopulated for a quick and efficient process, but are editable.
- NAME field is prepopulated with a unique name but can be edited. This can be changed by typing in the new name.
- CATEGORY options are Live, Competition and Training. The default selection is Live.
- Area and Project are prepopulated with the currently active Project. Once the mission is created, these fields cannot be edited.
- Responding MRO is prepopulated with the logged-in user. The drop down contains all people who have been assigned to the selected project.
- Type, Location, and Breathing apparatus required are not required fields. A PIN number is also optional.
- You can choose a Type from the pre-populated list or enter a value if the required type is not available.
- If Breathing apparatus required is selected, then the TEAM will contain fields to enter the breathing apparatus details. Once the mission is created, this field cannot be edited.
- Enter/update the details and click Proceed to move to Maps.
- The PIN option is visible if ‘Pin Available’ has been enabled for the selected Category in the ADMINISTRATION section.
- A PIN can be one to six digits in length. It can only contain numbers.
- If a mission category is PIN enabled, the PIN field is displayed in the Mission Wizard.
- A PIN is not a mandatory field. If PIN Available is selected in Administration and no PIN is entered in the Wizard, the mission will be treated as if it does not have a PIN.
- Enter/update details and click Proceed > to proceed to Maps.
2. Maps – This step allows you to select maps required to complete the mission from those uploaded to the project selected in Detail. No maps are required to create a mission.
- By default, maps are organized in the MAIN folder. Within this folder, maps can be organized into subfolders. Click on a subfolder to review its contents.
- To locate maps for selection, scroll or enter text in the Search field to filter the displayed maps. Note the search bar only filters the current folder, it does not include subfolders.
- Select a map required for the team mission by checking the radio circle button on the map thumbnail. You can select a single map, multiple maps, or entire subfolders.
- In the main folder, you can verify if maps in a subfolder have been selected. If all maps in a subfolder are selected, a shaded radio circle with checkmark appears on the subfolder. If one or more (but not all) maps are selected in a subfolder, then a white radio circle with checkmark appears on the subfolder.
- Within a subfolder, you can click the Select All checkbox in the top right corner to choose all maps. This turns the checkbox orange. You can select individual or multiple maps by clicking on each map. The white radio circle on the map(s) then appear shaded.
- View more map details by clicking the map to expand it on the screen.
- Click Add New Map if a required map is not available in the map list. This will allow you to upload a new map for the mine selected in DETAIL. Once a map has been uploaded it will be available for all other missions.
- Select the required map(s) and click Proceed > to proceed to Equipment.
- If there are any errors, a message will be displayed indicating the error and you will not be able proceed to the next step until the error has been resolved.
3. Equipment – This step allows you to select the equipment to be used during the mission from a prepopulated list of equipment. (Scroll to bottom of this page for a default equipment list.)
- Select the equipment required for the team’s mission by checking the button next to the equipment and entering the quantity for that item.
- Click Add Equipment to add a custom piece of equipment that is required for the mission but is not contained in the prepopulated list. This displays a dialog to enter the equipment name and quantities needed.
- Enter/edit the required equipment details and click Proceed to go to Team.
- If there are any errors in the entered fields, a message will indicate the error and you will not be able proceed to the next step until the error has been resolved.
4. Team – This step allows you to fill out the required fields to capture details about the initial mission team. The wizard allows you to add up to a maximum of eight team members and is prepopulated with five positions: Captain, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4., and V/Captain.
You can click Start Mission on the TEAM step to defer the selection of the BRIEFING OFFICER and/or TEAM MEMBERS. This provides flexibility when setting up the team if the team member information is not yet available. It also allows a user to enter data needed to complete the mission while the team is completing the breathing apparatus and equipment checks necessary for the mission. The Captain and Briefing Officer roles will be required before the mission can be started. Any positions that have been assigned a TEAM MEMBER will require a PASSED TEST? value of YES before the mission can be started.
- TEAM NAME is prepopulated with Team 1. This field is editable.
- BRIEFING OFFICER can be selected from the drop down, allowing you to select from the people that have been assigned to the project selected in Detail.
- The Captain POSITION can be assigned later if needed, as can the other team members.
- TEAM MEMBER is a drop down allowing you to select from the people that have been assigned to the project selected in. It excludes any people that have been assigned to another position on the team, including the BRIEFING OFFICER position.
- If Breathing apparatus required was checked in Detail then the APPARATUS #, O2 PRESSURE and PASSED TEST? fields for each assigned POSITION can be filled out in Team. These fields are not visible if the Breathing apparatus required field was not checked.
- APPARATUS # is a text field for identifying the breathing apparatus that is assigned to the team member for the mission.
- O2 PRESSURE is the initial pressure reading for the breathing apparatus before the start of the mission. Initial readings that are above 240 and below 170 are invalid and will be flagged.
- PASSED TEST? All TEAM MEMBERS assigned are required to have a value of Yes.
- By default, there are five team members, but you can add up to eight team members by clicking on the Add Member button. A position can be removed by clicking the trash can icon for the position. A confirmation message is displayed before removing the position.
- After adding available information, click Start Mission. If there are any errors in the entered fields, a message will indicate the error and you will not be able to proceed to the next step until the error has been resolved.
- If you click Start Mission without finalizing the TEAM during mission creation, then you can access this step from the Mission View through the Manage Team > Edit Team option.
You are navigated to the Mission View once a mission is created, if you click the mission for viewing in the Missions tile, or if you click the mission for viewing in Missions List View.
The name for the mission being viewed is in the top right corner. If the mission status is not completed, then you are able to click the mission's name to view/edit mission details.
The main area of the view contains the Map Markup while the right-hand pane allows you to perform many of the actions required during an in-progress mission. (See 'Viewing a Mission and Conducting Map Markups' article for more details.)
Quick Start a Mission
You are also able to quickly start a mission without entering information through the Mission Wizard. Once you open the wizard, click the Proceed button until you reach TEAM, then click Start Mission. Once the mission dashboard has opened, you can then add your team members, equipment, and other information.
Error Messages
You can fill in as much, or as little, information as you need to create a mission. In some instances, you may be required to fill in some information. If this is the case, you may be prompted to correct/add these required fields before moving on. Once the fields are completed, you can then proceed to the next step.
In the above example, an attempt was made to advance from Team without the form being completed as required. The captain's O2 pressure reading was missing, so the field was automatically highlighted and the following error message appeared: "O2 Pressure value is required between range 170-240." Once the correct data was entered, the person could then move on to fill out the next section.
Default Equipment List
Equipment |
Anemometer |
Barricade |
Basket/Stretcher/KED |
Breathing Apparatus |
Chalk/Paint |
Communications |
Dryer |
EDraulics & Tools |
Fire Extinguishers |
Fire Fighting - Foam Generator |
Fire Fighting - Low Expansion Foam System |
Fire Fighting Hose |
Fire Fighting Nozzle |
First Aid Kit |
Foam |
Foam Generator |
Gas Detection Tubes |
Gas Detector |
Gas Monitor |
High Angle Rope Rescue System |
Hydraulic Bolt Cutters |
Ladder |
Level Plans |
Lifting Bag System |
Master Line Oxygen Booster Pump |
Other |
Permanent Refuge |
Portable Oxygen |
Portable Test Equipment |
Probe Stick |
Resuscitator |
Safety Tent |
Self-Rescuer |
Thermal Imaging Camera |
Tools |
Trauma Bag |
Velometer |
Whistles |