Please note that you must have been granted access to the Manage Maps section of the Administration dashboard.
From the main dashboard click the Administration icon in the left application toolbar. You will then be navigated to the Administration dashboard.
Manage Maps Overview
Map Administrators can easily upload, modify, and delete maps so they can complete map-related activities in a timely manner. The Manage Maps screen provides a quick overview of maps currently in the system. First select the mine from the dropdown menu, then scroll or search for a specific map or folder. The search tool also helps users find a map contained within a folder or subfolder.
The name of the MAIN folder can be edited to match your projects or workflows. To edit this folder name, click the pencil icon in the top right corner. Type in the new name and select the checkmark icon – or select the X icon to go back without changing the name.
Folder Options
Administrators can organize maps into folders, making them easily accessible by Emergency Response teams and others.
Folder Selection
Scroll or search to find existing folders in the system. Click on the checkbox to select a folder and folder details appear on the right side of the screen. This includes the total number of maps, as well as a breakdown of the number of active and inactive maps in the folder.
Edit or Delete Folder(s)
Once a folder is selected, click the pencil icon in the top right corner to change the folder name. Then click cancel to discard or save to keep changes.
To delete a folder and its contents (including subfolders and maps contained within the folder), click the trashcan icon in the top right corner. A pop-up asks you to confirm the deletion.
Folder Creation
To create a new folder, click the new folder button, located in the top left corner of the main screen.
Clicking this button causes a new folder (called “New Folder” to appear at the top of the list. You can then edit folder details. If "New Folder" already exists, the new folder will be named "New Folder (2)." If that exists it will be "New Folder (3)” and so on.
Clicking the cancel button will disable edit mode and the folder keeps the name it was assigned, while clicking the save button updates to whatever is in the textbox.
If you attempt to give a folder the same name as an existing folder, a popup will inform you the folder name already exists and to choose another name.
Map Options
Administrators can view, modify, and delete existing maps to ensure maps are always current.
Select a Map
To view a map and its details, scroll or search for the map name. When the desired map is found, click the circle to the left of the name. This opens the map view on the right side of the screen, which displays map name, map image, parent folder, file name, version, and description.
Click the pencil icon in the right top corner to edit map details. To change the map image, click on it and then click the map icon to upload a new map image.
Click the toggle button next to the map name to change the active status. Maps that are marked as active have a green toggle button, while maps marked as inactive have a grey toggle button. Note that inactive maps are not available for selection in the MAP step when creating an ER mission.
Edit or Delete a Map
To edit a selected map, click the pencil icon in the top right corner of the screen.
The replace map icon on the map image allows you to select a single file to replace the previous map file. When a map image is updated, the date shown below the image will be updated to the current day.
Clicking the cancel button will discard any changes (including map replacement) and exit edit map.
Pressing the save button will commit the changes to the map. A popup lets you know the map has been updated.
To delete a map, click the trash icon in the top right corner. A confirmation popup asks you to confirm your choice.
Please note the version of a map that has been selected for a mission is archived for historical accuracy when editing or deleting a map. The archived version is displayed when reporting and viewing missions in Emergency Response Mission View.
Multiple Selection Options
Delete Multiple Maps and/or Folders
To delete multiple maps or folders, click the circle to the left of each map and/or folder in the list. With multiple maps and/or folders selected, a trashcan icon appears in the top right corner of the screen.
After clicking this icon, a pop-up asks you to confirm and indicates how many maps will be permanently deleted.
Move Multiple Maps and/or Folders
To move multiple maps or folders, click the circle to the left of each map and/or folder in the list.
With multiple maps and/or folders selected, clicking the pencil icon makes the folder dropdown visible. You can then select the desired folder they wish to move the maps to.
Any selected folders are greyed out in the dropdown to prevent trying to move a folder into itself.
Map Import
Upload individual multiple map files at once.
On the Manage Maps page, click the upload map icon.
The upload map dialog is displayed. Click to upload or drag and drop.
- Recommended file size: <2MB.
- File type: Single page PDF/A, JPEG, or PNG.
- Recommended resolution: 3840x2160.
- Upload multiple files by either dragging and dropping them into the designated area or selecting multiple files in the upload tool.
Once a map (or maps) has been uploaded, a dialog box informs you how many map(s) were uploaded, if any file(s) failed to upload, if any map(s) need to be updated, or how map new map(s) have been uploaded.
Click the green checkmark box in the upper right corner to continue. (You can also select the X box to go back without saving.) On the next page, you can confirm the map(s) for import. You can also update version, description, and map name.
Map Import Review
Select a map to review or edit by clicking on the map name. Once in edit mode, you can save any changes or cancel to close the map details and return to main folder so you can complete the import.
The circle next to the map name is shaded when selected and ready for import. Uncheck the circle to remove the map from import.
When you have finished reviewing files, click the green checkmark icon in the upper right corner to proceed. A pop-up asks you to confirm the import. Click the green checkmark to proceed. The newly-imported map(s) then appear in the main map list. To review or update map details, use the search tool, or scroll through the maps list and then select the desired map.
Cancel an Import
To cancel an import in progress, click the X button in the top right corner of the screen. A pop-up asks you to confirm the cancellation.