Improve the accuracy of your reporting with Incident Preliminary Reports. These reports help facilitate post-incident reviews and generate detailed legal records for audit purposes.
The Incidents Feed on the main Events dashboard provides a quick overview of incidents. You can view by date, incident name, type, location, and status. You can also sort by clicking on Today, This Week, or This Month.
(You can also click the arrow in the lower right corner of the Incidents Feed tile to bring up the Incident List dashboard, which provides a list of all incidents.)
Click the pencil icon on desired incident to bring up the Incident Preliminary Report to collect more incident details. Some fields will automatically prepopulated with information from the completed Flash Report.
On this report, you can add such information as:
1. Responsible Team Members – Search for an employee to assign them to their required roles.
2. Environment and Location(s) – Add location description and zones of concern (open a map of your worksite and pinpoint exactly where the incident has taken place). In this section, you can also add a environmental/spill risk rating (actual risk and potential risk).
3. Witnesses and People Involved – Search the list of people who are already in the system or manually add a name to the report. You can mark individuals as injured or as a witness, along with specific details. In this section, you can also include H&S risk rating (actual risk and potential risk).
NOTE: See Adding Injury Information below for additional details on this section.
4. Infrastructure and Equipment – Add equipment that was involved with the incident. If a piece of equipment is not listed as you type the name into the search bar, you can manually add the equipment name to the report. Also add a description, cost, action required, and equipment risk rating (actual risk and potential risk).
5. Immediate and Corrective Actions – Here you can add immediate or corrective actions. Once you complete the details of these actions (including adding descriptions and photos), they are added to your Actions dashboard and the person assigned can view what needs to be addressed.
6. Additional and Final Details – Add additional comments and add incident photos to the report. Also add your signature, which is required on all investigations.
This section also asks if a full investigation is required. Select Yes or No.
When you have completed the Incident Preliminary Report, you can Save Draft or Finalize Report. If there are any invalid or missing required fields, you will be prompted to return to form and correct/add the highlighted areas. Once these are completed, you can then resubmit the form. Once the report has been finalized, no further changes can be made.
Adding Injury Information
In the Witnesses and People Involved section of the report, you can record details related to injury.
Next to the person's name, select Injured or Witness from the dropdown menu. You can add a description in the adjacent text box. If the person has been marked as Injured, an icon appears in the upper right corner of the text box that allows you to Add Injury information.
A window with a diagram of the human body appears onscreen, allowing you to click on the figure to pinpoint the exact area(s) of the injury and write a description of each. Choose a male or female anatomy, and the figures are marked for left and right sides.
To classify injuries properly, you can also select the category of the injury (such as first-aid injury, loss time injury, or restricted work injury). In the above example, first-aid injury has been selected.
Click Done when you are finished adding details. This will return you to the main Incident Preliminary Report.