Equipment Safety helps you streamline inspections and maintenance, conduct asset verification, and ensure better tool crib security. To access Equipment Safety, click the hammer icon on the left side of the main dashboard.
Here is the Equipment Dashboard. Tiles can be customized based on the users preferences and needs.
To add custom tiles, click the tile icon on the top right corner of the dashboard.
Click on Add a Tile.
Click on the dropdown box and select tile you wish to add, then click Add Tile.
Click Close to return to the dashboard, then click the Tile icon again. Now you have a full dashboard showing all the information you need to see. Each tile allows you to see information and access different areas of the Equipment module.
- Verification – This tile shows all previous equipment location verifications and the status of the equipment. Clicking on the Verify Equipment button will bring you to the location verification process. Clicking on the Add Equipment button allows you to add a new piece of equipment. Clicking on the arrow icon brings you to the Inventory dashboard.
- My Shortcuts – This tile gives you a few smaller tiles within the dashboard to use as “shortcuts.” These can be customized by clicking the pencil icon on the top right corner and adding tiles (the same as above). Select the desired tile, click save, close the window, and then click the pencil icon again.
- Inventory – This tile gives you a quick look at some pieces of equipment in the system. You can see a short description of equipment details, status, in/out status and location. Clicking on the arrow icon brings you to the Inventory dashboard.
- Inspection Reports – This shows all recent inspection reports performed on equipment. Click on the arrow icon brings you to a list of inspection reports that can be exported.