Adding Equipment Types
Before adding equipment to the system, you must first make sure the equipment type has been entered. The equipment type is what links items to certain reports, filters and inspection requirements.
To add equipment types, go to Administration and locate the Types section.
Select the + button on the bottom left corner.
A New Type line appears on the Types list. Enter the details of the new type including type name, if an inspection form is associated with the type, frequency the type needs to be inspected, and if the type is a parent.
- Parent Types – A piece of equipment is a parent if other pieces of equipment can be assigned to it. For example, a fire truck that has gas metres assigned to it. The truck can be assigned to a certain location and the metres can be assigned to the truck in that location.
Once you are finished, click Save. You can edit information by clicking the pencil icon on the right side of the line, or delete by clicking the trash icon.
Adding Equipment (Individual)
To add one asset at a time, click Add Equipment in the Verification tile or Inventory tile.
You can also click the Add Equipment button at the bottom of the Equipment Inventory screen.
Enter the equipment details in the General Information section. Equipment Name and Item Number are mandatory fields. You can also add the RFID number in the Smart ID field.
Once the information is filled out, click Inventory Information section. The Date in Inventory and Date in Service defaults to the current date, but you can click on the dates to change them if necessary. Select the Location where the equipment is assigned.
If necessary, assign an inspection frequency in the Maintenance Information section (see #3 above). If no inspection is required, leave blank. If there is an inspection form already associated with the equipment type selected, the maintenance information will default to match the equipment type.
When all required fields are completed, click Save Equipment (see #4 above). The newly added equipment is then saved in inventory.
Click Done on the window that appears confirming the addition of equipment (see #5 above).
Importing Equipment (Bulk Import)
You can choose to import inventory in bulk. From the Equipment Inventory screen, click the Import Equipment button at the bottom.
Select the location you want the equipment to be imported to and upload your equipment list. You can import .xlsx and .csv files to the system. If you are unsure of the format accepted by the system, click the Download Template and fill out the required fields. Click the Choose File button and select the file you created from your library. You will see the below appear.
On the Step 2/3 screen, select which fields from the uploaded file you wish to match to asset fields in the inventory system. Click Next to continue (or you can choose to go Back or to Cancel at any point).
On the Step 3/3 screen, review and select specific records to import. By default, all items are selected. Click Finish when you are ready.
A pop-up will let you know the import is complete. Click Done, which takes you to the Inventory list.