There are a few different ways to view your actions.
1. Select View Actions in the My Shortcuts tile to bring up the Actions List page, which provides an in-depth look of actions in the system (see below).
2. The Actions tile on the main Actions page provides you with a quick view of actions, and you can sort by Date, Source, person Responsible, and Status. You can also sort by clicking on the Open, Today, This Week or This Month headings. Once you have found the desired action, click on it for a detailed view.
3. Select the arrow on the bottom right of the Actions tile to bring you to the Actions List.
Actions List Dashboard
On the Actions List page, you can view by Status, person Responsible, action Name, Source, action Created By, and Due Date. Clicking on any of these headings will reverse the order of the list. Use the Filter option in the top left corner of the tile to filter through the table to find specific actions.
The filter options are:
Source – This refers to the source of the action. An action can be linked to a form, incident report or created on the action's dashboard.
Status – This refers to the status of the action: complete, in-progress or past due.
Responsible – You can choose an employee or employees and see actions assigned to them.
Date – You can filter the actions by a specific timeline: this month, this week, today, next week, or next month.
Viewing and Closing an Action
Once you have found the desired action in the Actions List, click on it to view Action Details and Close Action information.
If an action's status is open and you want to close it, you can review and add details by clicking the Close Action arrow on the right. When you are ready to close the action, you must add a signature and then select Close Action in the bottom right corner. (You can also select Cancel to close without saving.)
If the action status is already closed, you can view the closed action description and then select Cancel to return to the Actions List.
Exporting Data
In the bottom right corner of the Actions List, you will see Export Data. This lets you export the data shown in the table to an Excel file that can be saved or printed.
Creating Action Reports
Select the Create Report button in the bottom right corner of the Actions List.
From the Create Action Report pop-up, select the desired report type:
- Actions Per Form - Filters the action list to display actions associated with a specific form,
- Action Summary - Allows you to select a month and create a PDF of action statistics.