An action is an item that needs to be completed in a set time. The Actions dashboard keeps track of all the actions that are open and to whom they are assigned.
Actions at a Glance Tile
This section provides a quick visual for:
Actions Completed – The percentage of completed actions.
Open – The number of actions currently open.
Closed – The number of closed actions.
Past Due – The number of past due actions. This means they are still open and the assigned date has passed.
On this tile you can add a New Action. (A link to Creating a New Action Help Centre article is located at the top of this page.)
Actions Tile
This tile provides you with a quick view of your actions. You can sort by Date, Source, person Responsible, and Status. Click on any of these headings to reverse their order on the screen. You can also sort by clicking on the Open, Today, This Week or This Month headings.
Select the arrow on the bottom right to bring you to the Actions List, which allows you view all of your actions. (A link to the Creating a New Action Help Centre article is located at the top of this page.)
Action Closure Rate
This tile is a quick visual showing the percentage of Actions closed compared to the amount of Actions created during the month.
Action Closure Rate
This tile is a quick visual showing the percentage of Actions past due compared to the amount of Actions closed during the month.
Upcoming Actions
Clicking on the Complete Actions button in this tile will bring you to the Actions list pre-filtered to a list of actions assigned to you.