Please note that you must have been granted access to the Emergency Response section in the Administration dashboard.
From the main dashboard click the Administration icon in the left application toolbar. You will then be navigated to the Administration dashboard.
Resources Overview
This function provides administrators with the ability to upload and manage documentation that users can then access during a mission. Clicking on a resource in the left column brings up additional details in the right column.
Note that each document can be a maximum of 2 MB, and a maximum of 10 documents organization-wide can be uploaded to the system.
Managing New Resources
To view or edit resources details, click the pencil icon to the right.
Change the name by typing a new name in the white box. Change the active status by sliding right for active and left for not active. Select the upload icon to upload a PDF file. Then click the green circle to save your changes, or click the white circle to go back without saving.
Adding a New Resource
To add a new resource, click the + button in the lower left corner. A new line appears on the list. Add the name in the white box, set the active status, and upload the associated PDF document. The name of the logged-in user uploading the document, along with document size and upload date, appears in the right column. When you are ready, click the green circle to save, or click the white circle to go back without saving.